“Growing marigolds in dedication to His Majesty the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej” is the government’ s campaign which has been launched between August and October 2017, in order to have the flowers blooming during the royal cremation ceremony on October 25-26, 2017. As the late King was born on Monday and Marigold is yellow which is the color of Monday, therefore, this flower will be used by the government and people sectors to decorate all over the country.
COERR Mae Sot, in coordination with all local authorities and together with refugee committee, youth and students in Mae La, Umpiem and Nupho camps in Tak Province also joined this marigolds growing campaign in August 2017.
Throughout the year, COERR Mae Sot launch the tree planting ceremony on important holidays in order to increase the number of trees near the refugee community for environment protection purpose.

COERR’s Saturday Activities organized 500 Marigold planting for late H.M. King Rama 9 at Mae La Camp – Zone C on August 11, 2017 had 150 refugees participating, comprising 87 female and 63 male.

Growing Marigolds on 11 August 2017 at Mae La Camp, near the Camp Commander Office with 40 participants, comprising 22 male and 18 female.

COERR and Refugee Youth Club in Umpiem camp organized the 600 marigold Planting activity in Umpiem camp in which 190 youth including 148 female and 42 male participating, on August 11, 2017

Saturday Activities is held in which marigolds for H.M. the late King were planted by Umpiem students and youth numbering 220: 131 girls and 89 boys

COERR in coordination with the camp authorities and refugees in Ban Nupho camp organized the Saturday activities for children in which 300 children and youth participated on August 11, 2017 |